Portadas de Prensa
Miércoles 6 de Marzo de 2019
Sufre Q. Roo dura caída en inversión extranjera
La Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) que llegó a Quintana Roo el año pasado fue de 274 millones de dólares una caída de 38% respecto a 2017 cuando se alcanzaron cifras por arriba de los 440 millones de dólares.
De acuerdo con la Secretaría de Economía (SE), la cifra de 2018 representó un retroceso quedando en números similares al 2016, cuando reportó 270 millones de dólares. (Novedades. Por Stephani Blanco)
Se deslinda AMLO de abucheos.
El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador reprobó las rechiflas y abucheos que se dan en los eventos públicos que realiza con los gobernadores cuando visita sus entidades, por lo que va a revisar cómo pueden realizarse estas asambleas públicas, sin exponer a nadie.
Durante su conferencia de prensa mañanera, el mandatario afirmó que se buscará una forma en la que él
“pueda establecer comunicación con los gobernadores y que al mismo tiempo pueda yo estar en la plaza con la gente, porque necesito tener comunicación con los ciudadanos”.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Le gritan “Quiere llorar”
El gobernador José Ignacio Peralta parecía seguir al pie de la letra lo que había ensayado para hacer frente a lo inevitable: los abucheos, rechiflas en la plaza pública, en el marco de una asamblea pública con el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, para la entrega de Programas Integrales de Bienestar.
Era claro que sus asesores le habían dicho a Peralta que en cuanto empezaran las rechiflas y abucheos (a él le tocaron hasta mentadas de madre), hiciera una pausa y dejara en claro que había iniciado el momento del orden del día que correspondía a esas expresiones.
Peralta quiso continuar su discurso, y de nueva cuenta debió callar. “¡Quiere llorar, quiere llorar, quiere llorar!”, coreaban ante él.
Fue muy difícil para Peralta, pero terminó de hablar. En su turno, el presidente López Obrador se refirió de manera breve a las rechiflas y abucheos.
Hello, Kitty! Warner Bros. welcomes a beloved character to Hollywood
Warner Bros. said it persuaded Sanrio Corp. of Tokyo — which created Hello Kitty in 1974 and groomed her into a $6 billion merchandising superstar — to entrust the character to the studio for a feature film.
For the first time, Hello Kitty is coming to Hollywood.
But will a character who never talks finally get to speak?
Warner Bros. said Tuesday that its New Line division and producer Beau Flynn had persuaded Sanrio Corp. of Tokyo — after a five-year courtship — to entrust its $6 billion cat to the studio for a feature film.
Sanrio, which created Hello Kitty in 1974 and groomed her into a merchandising superstar, has never brought the character to global movie screens. That has allowed her to remain silent: Hello Kitty has no mouth.
Well-known intellectual properties (IP) of all kinds — even apps and emojis — have become coveted by movie studios like Warner as a way to compete with a free-spending Netflix and a supersized Disney.
“It’s a rare privilege to have the opportunity to explore the possibilities of such timeless IP,” Carolyn Blackwood and Richard Brener, presidents of New Line, said in a statement about their feline coup.
Film deal
The film deal also involves related merchandise rights and possible spinoff projects. Terms were not disclosed. New Line can use roughly 20 Sanrio characters, including the popular Gudetama, a disgruntled cracked egg, and My Melody, a rabbit who wears long ear warmers. (No word about Spottie Dottie, a Dalmatian with a pink headband.)
“I am extremely pleased that Hello Kitty and other popular Sanrio characters will be making their Hollywood debut,”
Shintaro Tsuji, Sanrio’s nonagenarian founder and chief executive, said in a statement, calling the cat “a symbol of friendship.”
Bringing the whiskered character to global movie screens as an attraction for both children and adults, as planned, will require Warner and Sanrio to walk a tightrope. Films require characters to evolve. (A script has not yet been written, nor writers hired.) But if she changes too much, fans will yowl.
Kitty’s popularity
Licensing experts say Kitty’s popularity — she appears on 50,000 different products in 130 countries — involves simplicity:
Because the character does not emote, people of all ages and nationalities can project themselves on her.
A talking Kitty was once created for a pilot cartoon series in Japan, causing fans loyal to the cat’s mouthless look to become apoplectic, a Sanrio designer told The New York Times in 2010.
Her identity has prompted other uproars, including when the curator of a 2014 Hello Kitty exhibit at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, citing pushback from Sanrio, pronounced that the cutesy character was not actually a cat.
“I was corrected — very firmly,” curator, Christine R. Yano, said at the time. “She’s a cartoon character. She is a little girl. She is a friend. But she is not a cat. She is never depicted on all fours.”
The internet melted down. Sanrio eventually clarified its position — she is a cat — and world order was restored.
Flynn, the producer who chased Sanrio for the film rights, declined to discuss potential changes to the character, including the possibility of speaking.
“We have some pretty exciting ideas about Kitty, who always speaks from her heart,” Flynn said, adding that it was too early to say whether the movie would be fully animated or an animation-live action hybrid.
Flynn, whose credits include “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” “San Andreas” and “Requiem for a Dream,” started his Hello Kitty quest about five years ago. It took him more than two years just to get a meeting with Tsuji, who finally agreed in 2016.
Flynn and Toby Emmerich, chairman of the Warner Bros. Pictures Group, flew to Japan and first visited Sanrio’s Puroland theme park, where they rode rides.
Big-screen animation
Big-screen animation has been a weak spot for Warner. “The Lego Movie” was a smash hit for the studio in 2014, but more recent installments in that overworked franchise have fallen short at the box office.
The musical “Smallfoot,” released in September, was also a disappointment.
But Warner is working harder to become a more consistent player in animation.
On Monday, Kevin Tsujihara, the studio’s chairman, was given expanded responsibilities for children’s entertainment and merchandising at WarnerMedia, which is owned by AT&T and includes properties like Warner Bros., HBO and cable channels like Cartoon Network, TNT and TBS.
In production or development at the studio are movies that seek to revive characters in the company’s Looney Tunes and Hanna-Barbera libraries, including new takes on Scooby-Doo, Wile E. Coyote, the Jetsons, the Flintstones, and Tom and Jerry.
And now comes a white bobtail cat. “In a fast-moving world inundated with content,” Flynn said, “Hello Kitty has not only survived but thrived, and the reason involves what she stands for — individualism, tolerance and friendship.”
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